Journal article Open Access

A Resume Analyzer Application for Matching Candidates with Job Requirements, Using A Parsing Algorithm

Abdiaziz Abdi Ali; Farhan Hersi Olow; Abdinasir Abdullahi Dahir; Abdifitah Mohamed Hassan; Mohamed Ahmed Mohamud


Technology innovation has introduced big improvements to enhance career selection processes nowadays. With more tools developed, companies have adopted tools that help them recruit talents more efficiently. This paper proposes a resume parser called pyresparser, which is a python package that is used to extract the relevant information from resumes and analyze it based on the different attributes. Once the resume is uploaded it is saved into a PostgreSQL database ready to show itself to the employers. With the identification of the attributes, the proposed system is directed to adopt a word similarity algorithm for PostgreSQL trigram module to match the skills of the job seekers against the requirements of the job posted by the prospect employers. The system helps the human resource team to find suitable candidates for a particular job and make more informed final decisions or use it as a shortlisting means for ultimate interview sessions.

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