Journal article Open Access

The Transformational Impacts of Data Science on Business and Society

Ali, Mohamed Khalif

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  "DOI": "10.20374/sorer/50", 
  "abstract": "<p>This research paper summarizes the immense impacts of data science by analyzing information system technology and its relations with business and society. Digitization advancements have enhanced the generation of data that is used to provide insights that are essential in transforming businesses and society. &nbsp;The society has benefited through the creation of job opportunities amongst knowledge workers or the researchers who are tasked with the role of creating and analyzing crucial data while businesses are reshaping the way things are run. This work holds that data science has transformed the lives of people and provided businesses with the opportunity to analyze data and come up with an effective business strategy. Therefore, this paper aims at presenting a central research subject to explore and intellectualize evident transformations in society and business models as a result of the digitalized data science.</p>", 
  "author": [
      "family": "Ali, Mohamed Khalif"
  "container_title": "International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)", 
  "id": "50", 
  "issue": "10, October-2020", 
  "issued": {
    "date-parts": [
  "page": "3", 
  "title": "The Transformational Impacts of Data Science on Business and Society", 
  "type": "article-journal", 
  "volume": "Vol. 9"
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