Journal article Open Access

Somali Business Review 2013

Abdirahman Mohamed Anas; Ali Yasin; Bashir Abidsamad Hared; Ismail Mohamed Ali; Abdulrahman M. Nogsane; Abdirahman Ahmed Mudey; Abdikarim Mohaidin Ahmed; Ibrahim Mohamud Hamud; Ahmed Salat Ahmed Haraf

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Abdirahman Mohamed Anas and
                  Ali Yasin and
                  Bashir Abidsamad Hared and
                  Ismail Mohamed Ali and
                  Abdulrahman M. Nogsane and
                  Abdirahman Ahmed Mudey and
                  Abdikarim Mohaidin Ahmed and
                  Ibrahim Mohamud Hamud and
                  Ahmed Salat Ahmed Haraf},
  title        = {Somali Business Review 2013},
  journal      = {Somali Business Review},
  year         = 2021,
  month        = jul,
  note         = {Promoting the private sector},
  doi          = {10.20374/sorer/214},
  url          = {}
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