Journal article Open Access

Toward Developing Intelligent Mobile Obe System In Higher Learning Institution

Abdifatah Farah Ali; Rusli Haji Abdulah; Mohamed M. Mohamed

Abstract: The rapid growth in Mobile application users has made researchers and practitioners think of intelligent tools that can help the users and applications in delivering quality services. Therefore, an intelligent agent is expected to become the tool for the development of mobile outcome-based education (OBE) particularly in higher learning Institutions (HLI). In this context, there is a lacking of OBE intelligent agents in assisting academicians to use OBE management for mobile application system environments. This paper presents the conceptual design and development of a mobile intelligent agent based on mobile OBE called i-MOBE. Since that, i-MOBE that we developed is considered very important for academicians and students to facilitate them in using for academic purposes in HLI particularly in helping them to monitor the performance in teaching and learning (T&L). The system architecture will be covering the conceptual design and its interaction as well as the system configuration in helping the academicians to use the system in their T&L toward effective and efficiency also can be applied in monitoring based on scenarios such as tests, assignments and projects and so on.

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